Overview of MRCPsych

Examination Format

  1. MRCPsych Paper A 

  2. MRCPsych Paper B 

  3. Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC) 

1.MRCPsych Paper A

Exam Name
No. of Questions
MRCPsych Paper A
3 hours
Question Composition

MRCPsych Paper A is a written paper on the scientific and theoretical basis of psychiatry.


Two-thirds multiple choice questions (MCQ) and 

One-third extended matching item questions (EMI). 

Examination Syllabus  

MRCPsych Paper A 

  • Behavioural Science and Sociocultural Psychiatry 
  • Human Development 
  • Basic Neurosciences 
  • Clinical Psychopharmacology 
  • Classification and Assessment in Psychiatry 


When can I sit for MRCPsych Part A? 

Candidates are eligible to enter for the Paper A exam when they have obtained their medical degree. However, candidates are advised to attempt the exam only after they have had some grounding in postgraduate Pyschiatry. 

2.MRCPsych Paper B

MRCPsych Paper B is a written paper which assesses critical review and the clinical topics in psychiatry.


It is made up of approximately two-thirds multiple-choice questions (MCQ) and one-third extended matching item questions (EMI).

One-third of the paper covers critical review.

Two-thirds of the paper covers clinical topics.

Examination Syllabus – MRCPsych Paper B

  • Organisation and Delivery of Psychiatric Services
  • General Adult Psychiatry
  • Old Age Psychiatry
  • Psychotherapy
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Substance Misuse/Addictions
  • Forensic Psychiatry
  • Psychiatry of Learning Disability
  • Critical Review


Exam Name
No. of Questions
MRCPsych Paper B
3 hours
Question Composition

When can I sit for MRCPsych Paper B?

Candidates are eligible to sit for the Paper B examination once they pass the PaperAMRCPsych exam and possess minimum 2 years of experience and satisfy all other eligibility requirements regarding currency and attempts.

Candidates must attempt the Paper B exam on at least one occasion within 6 years of passing the Paper A exam. Those candidates failing to comply with this regulation will be required to pass the Paper A exam again.

3. Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC)

The CASC is based on a format that is similar to OSCEs. Specifically, the examination consists of two circuits which must be completed on the same day.

The CASC is made up of two circuits of individual stations which will test your clinical skills:

The morning circuit will allow you four minutes to read the instructions (PDF) and seven minutes to complete the consultation task

The afternoon circuit will allow you 90 seconds to read the instructions and seven minutes to complete the consultation task.

The sixteen CASC station exam is made up of:

5 x stations focused on History Taking, including risk assessment

5 x stations focused on Examination – both physical and mental state, including capacity assessment

6 x stations focused on patient Management.

Circuit 1

6 x stations focused on Management

1 x station focused on Examination

1 x station focused on History Taking

4 minutes reading time prior to entering each station

7 minutes to perform the task

Circuit 2

4 x stations focused on Examination

4 x stations focused on History Taking

90 seconds reading time prior to entering each station

7 minutes to perform the task

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